India's Sachin Tendulkar became the first batsman to score a double century in one-day internationals on Wednesday. Tendulkar, who opens the batting in ODIs, achieved the feat in the second one-dayer against South Africa, his 200 not out guiding the home team to 401-3 in 50 overs. The 36-year-old former India captain holds the record for most runs in tests (13,447) and one-day internationals (17,598) and most centuries in tests (47) and ODIs (46).
Tendulkar reached 200 with a single off Charl Langeveldt in the final over of India's innings on Wednesday, having earlier broken the world record for the highest individual score of 194 held by Pakistan's Saeed Anwar and Zimbabwe's Charles Coventry.
Tendulkar, who scored centuries in both tests against South Africa this month, reached 200 off just 147 balls with 25 fours and three sixes. Tendulkar's previous highest one-day individual score was 186 not out against New Zealand in Hyderabad in 1999. Anwar made 194 against India in May 1997 while Coventry hit the same total not out against Bangladesh last year.